世纪之交,山东省科学院迎来了建院二十周年的生日,在这喜庆之日,回首科学院人才队伍建设的历程,总结经验,着眼发展,对实现今天院党委提出的加强高层人才队伍建设的工程有着重要的现实意义。 回首二十年,人才队伍从小到大已初具规模 科学院自1979年建院以来,历届党委都十分重视人才队伍的建设,通过制订、实施优惠政策,创建良好的工作和生活环境等措施,建院初期采取以从省内外调入,到中期以接收大中专学生为主,至近期以调动、培养和接收高学历人才三个环节相结合方
At the turn of the century, Shandong Academy of Science ushered in the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the hospital's birthday. On this happy day, we look back on the course of the contingent of scientists of the Academy of Sciences, summarize the experience, focus on development, and realize the goal of strengthening the construction of high- The project has important practical significance. Over the past two decades, the talent team has grown from small to large. Since the establishment of the academy of sciences in 1979, all previous party committees have attached great importance to the building of a contingent of qualified personnel. Through the formulation and implementation of preferential policies and the establishment of a sound working and living environment, Initially adopted by the hospital from inside and outside the province transferred to the middle to receive college students, mainly to the recent mobilization, training and receiving highly educated personnel in three aspects of combining