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  China Waves Goodbye to Year of Rooster in Bird Flu Battle
  China has stepped up anti-bird flu measures[措施] ahead of Chinese New Year. The government has been scrambling[急忙] to curb[控制] bird flu outbreaks[爆发] with mass vaccinations[接种疫苗] of its 14 billion poultry[家禽] and with an education campaign[活动] to encourage farmers and local officials to report new cases.
  A Dog Year Makes it Good to Say, “I Do”
  The Year of the Dog is considered an auspicious[吉祥的] year for weddings in China as it is a 褼ouble Springyear, a period which is regarded as lucky for young couples to marry. As a result, wedding registries[登记处] around China are cramming[挤满] in ceremonies to cope with a sudden rise in demand.
  Putin Visits China for Year of Russia
  Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Beijing in March this year to attend the grand opening ceremony of the Year of Russia in China. China and Russia have decided to hold the Year of China in Russia in 2007.
  Al-Zarqawi killed in Iraq Air Raid 扎卡维在美军空袭中身亡
  Iraqi insurgent[起义的] leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been killed in a United States air raid[空袭] on an al-Qaeda safe house[藏身地] north of Baghdad. President Bush and Tony Blair welcomed the news, but both also cautioned[警告] that al-Qaeda in Iraq would remain a threat.
  China Completes Railway to Tibet
  The Qinghai-Tibet railway is an unrivalled[无敌的] achievement. Following in its tracks since the inaugural[首次] run on July 1st this year, tourism in Tibet has boomed[激增] by more than 50% and high hotel occupancy rates[入住率] in Lhasa help to promote the local economy.
  Liu Breaks 110m Hurdles[跨栏] Record
  China's Liu Xiang has broken the men's 110m hurdles world record with a time of 12.88 seconds at a Super Grand Prix[奖品] meeting in Lausanne. Liu himself is happy to break the usual American and European monopoly[垄断] of track and field[田径] success.
  Italy Wins Fourth World Cup Title 意大利四夺大力神杯
  The one-month-long football World Cup is completed with Italy beating France 5-3 in a penalty shoot-out[点球决胜] to win the crown for the fourth time, following victories in 1934, 1938 and 1982. And very ugly for France, which lost captain Zinedine Zidane with a red card after his head butt[以头抵撞] in overtime.
  Israel Intensifies[加剧] Lebanon Attacks, UN Calls for Immediate Cease-Fire[停火]黎以冲突加剧,联合国督促停火
  Israel halted[停止] its offensive against Hezbollah guerrillas[真主党游击队] as a U.N.-imposed[强制] cease-fire went into effect after a month of warfare[战争] that killed more than 900 people, devastated[毁坏] much of south Lebannon and forced hundreds of thousands of Israelis into bomb shelters[防空洞].
  The Legendary Ship “Gotheborg”Marks Friendship
  History repeated itself when a replica[复制品] of an 18th century Swedish merchant ship Gotheborg sailed into Guangzhou, after taking 10 months to navigate[航行] the ancient maritime[海上的] 襍ilk Road.The ship has strengthened[巩固] the friendship between China and Sweden and it will start its homeward journey from Hong Kong in December this year, after its visit in Guangzhou and Shanghai.
  Doha hosts the 15th Asian Games
  The 15th Asian Games will be held in Doha, the capital city of Qatar, from 1st to 15th of December, 2006. The history of the Asian Games reveals[显示] that Qatar is only the second country in West Asia to hold this event since 1974, when Iran注was the proud host. To make a huge success of the Games in Doha, Qatar began work on the Asian Games Village in 2003.
翻译:许婉燕  Mike Wallace——His Voice Will Be Remembered  He is among the most famous figures in the history of television. During his 38-year-old career on the long-running CBS注 program 60 Minutes, the tou
翻译:叶林  RomanHoliday  《罗马假日》无疑是经典中的经典—气质高雅的奥黛丽·赫本遇上英俊潇洒的格利高里·派克,演绎了一段打动无数观众的爱情故事。凡是看过这部电影的人,无不被片中男女主角的爱情深深打动,也为这段不能如愿的爱情叹息不已。这个情人节,就让我们一起回味这部经典之作吧。  剧情简介:安妮公主到访意大利。对繁文褥节极为厌倦的她悄悄溜出宫殿,流落街头,后被一名美国记者带回家留宿一
翻译:凯文  London Christmas Lights  Every year in November, many town centres around the UK are lit up[张灯结彩] with Christmas lights in preparation for the Christmas period. Some of the big cities in the UK
翻译:思苇  Live Action Anime: Hard to Be Keen On  I admit it. When it comes to announcements of live action versions of our favorite anime and manga, I am not exactly jumping for joy at the 1)prospect.   
翻译:小淳   Dakota Fanning: Hollywood's Little A-List Star  aving been in over a dozen films and having received so much attention in her young life, Dakota Fanning is still just a regular 12-year-old gir
翻译 :方嘉乐  Unleashing Your Creativity  I’ve always been an optimist[乐天派] and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence[聪明] can make the world a better place.   
High School Sweethearts  Phil was so cute that he made my most boring classes during senior year seem fun. At the end of senior year, I was sure he’d ask me to prom[毕业舞会]. But weeks went by and he nev
语言本是人们沟通的工具,没有性别之分,但由于男女的社会分工、性格特色、生理特点不同,每一种语言都深深地打上了性别的烙印。在国外,有部分社会语言学家,专门研究语言与性别的关系。美国有一位学者Graham Goodwin,从1980年到1990年,先后十次,在费城街头,收集不同年龄、种族、职业的男、女行人的谈话,进行比较研究,结果发现,与男人的语言相比,女人的语言至少有下列特点:    1. 女人喜欢
翻译:乐怡  German Joins China's Ancient Warriors  In 1974 archaeologists[考古学家] discovered legions[大批] of warriors made of terracotta[陶俑] who for two millennia[千年] had silently been protecting the tomb of
We’ve all heard that “it’s what’s on the inside that counts,” right? But let’s face it, as soon as you switch on[接通] the TV or flip through[草草翻阅] a magazine, you’re hit with images of models and celeb