本刊这一期刊登马芯兰老师《构建新的知识结构,培养学生思维能力》一文,向读者介绍、推荐这位老师教学改革的经验。 北京市特级教师马芯兰从1977年开始,在小学数学教学中,坚持以辩证唯物主义的认识论和方法论为指导。刻苦钻研和潜心研究中外先进的教育学理论,遵循儿童的认知规律,结合小学数学学科的特点,进行教材教法改革,在
The publication of this issue of Ma Xinlan teacher “to build a new knowledge structure, develop students' ability to think,” a text to readers, recommend this teacher teaching reform experience. Since its inception in 1977, Master Ma Xinlan, a Beijing-grade teacher, has insisted on using dialectical materialistic epistemology and methodology as a guide in elementary mathematics teaching. Study hard and painstaking research of advanced educational theory at home and abroad, follow the children's cognitive law, combined with the characteristics of primary mathematics, teaching materials and teaching reform, in the