在市场经济条件下 ,生产要素所有权或占有权的经济实现形式 ,就是参与收入分配。社会主义生产资料公有制性质决定了按生产要素分配是合理的。按劳分配与按生产要素分配将长期共存 ,二者配合、互补 ,既可以较好地调动劳动者的生产积极性 ,又可以较好地调动投资者的积极性。劳动者有权参与利润分配。
Under the conditions of a market economy, the economic form of ownership or ownership of the factors of production is to participate in the distribution of income. The public ownership of the means of production of socialism determines that the distribution according to the factors of production is reasonable. The distribution according to work and distribution according to factors of production will coexist for a long time. The cooperation and complementarity between the two can not only arouse the enthusiasm of workers but also arouse the enthusiasm of investors. Workers have the right to participate in the distribution of profits.