张溥《五人墓碑记》云:“以大中丞抚吴者为魏之私人,周公之逮,所由使也。”“以大中丞抚吴者”,指应天巡抚毛一鹭,“周公”,指削籍居乡之原吏部文选员外郎周顺昌。笔者所见疏解此句之众多资料,皆循张文之说,称“周公之逮”系毛一鹭“主使”。天启六年(1626)三月十八日,毛一鹭奉“旨”行事,协同锦衣卫旗尉逮捕周顺昌,诚为事实,然言其主谋指使,却于史失据。 周顺昌,东林党“江南七君子”之一。“七君子”案,为明熹宗天启六年震惊朝野一大冤案。周顺昌被牵连入案,有着复杂的政治背景,而非一个孤立的事件。 南京、苏州、杭州织造,是魏忠贤布于江南之重要特务机构。苏杭织造太监李实,是魏忠贤振往江南的心腹之一。天启四年(1624),东林官员,右佥都御史周起元任苏松巡抚。冰炭难以同炉,周、李关系旋势同水火:
Zhang Jian’s “Five Tombstones” cloud: “With the large and medium Fu Fu Wu Wei as the private, Zhou Gong’s arrest, the reason is also.” “With the large and medium Fu Fu Wu,” refers to the Heavenly Governor Mao Yilu , “Zhou Gong,” refers to Zhou Shunchang, the former editor-in-chief of the Ministry of Culture in the Jiju Township. Many of the information the author saw to loosen the sentence were followed by Zhang Wenzhi, saying that the “Chou Gong’s Catch” was Mao Yilu’s “master.” Six years of the reign (1626) On March 18, Mao Yilu acted in accordance with the “purpose” and arrested Zhou Shunchang in conjunction with the Jinyiwei flag. As a matter of fact, he stated that he was instigated by his mastermind but lost his record in history. Zhou Shunchang, Dong Lin’s Party, “One of the Seven People in Jiangnan”. The case of the “Seven Gentlemen” was a case of shocking astonishment in the Ming Dynasty for six years. Zhou Shunchang was implicated in the case and had a complicated political background rather than an isolated incident. Weaving in Nanjing, Suzhou, and Hangzhou is an important special agency that Wei Zhongxian cloths in the south of the Yangtze River. Su Shi’s weaver’s eunuch, Li Shi, is one of the confidants of Wei Zhongxian’s enthusiasm to Jiangnan. Four years of the revelation (1624), Donglin officials, Zhou Yuyuan of the right-hand capital Zhou Yuyuan served as the governor of Su Song. It is difficult for the charcoal to cope with the furnace, Zhou and Li’s relations with the water and fire: