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微积分在高等数学中占据了十分关键的位置,导数是其重难点.随着新课程标准的变化,导数在初等数学中的运用范围扩大,比重增加.用导数的知识可以较为简便的解答初等数学中的一些问题.为拓宽学生的数学思维,加深他们对导数的认识,体现导数的数学价值,本文对导数在初等数学中的运用范围和使用方法进行了总结和概括. Calculus occupies a very crucial position in higher mathematics, and derivation is its most difficult point.With the new curriculum standards, the use of derivatives in elementary mathematics has expanded and the proportion has increased.Using the knowledge of derivatives can be a simple and easy solution to elementary In order to broaden students’ mathematical thinking, deepen their understanding of derivatives and embody the mathematical value of derivatives, this paper summarizes and generalizes the scope and methods of use of derivatives in elementary mathematics.
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