
来源 :中考金刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxj3510
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2010年1月23日下午,在武汉铁路部门上班的杜女士突然接到学校打来的电话,说正在上初三的儿子腿痛得厉害,让她赶紧接儿子去医院看病。她匆匆带儿子去医院,医生的结论是“锻炼过度”。原来,为了备战中考体育1000米长跑,杜女士的儿子把沙袋绑在腿上练了一节课,一歇下来,腿就僵了,走路疼痛难忍。医生介绍说,仅仅一个星期,他就接诊了16个这样的初中生病人,因为“恶补”体育而造成身体伤害。 On the afternoon of January 23, 2010, Ms. Du, a member of the railway department in Wuhan, suddenly received a telephone call from the school saying her son was having a terrible pain in the third day of the third trimester so she could pick her son and go to the hospital to see a doctor. She hurried to take her son to the hospital, the doctor's conclusion is “Excessive exercise ”. It turned out that in order to prepare for the 1000-yard long-distance running test physical examination, Ms. Du's son sandbags tied to the legs practiced a lesson, a break, legs stiff, walking painful. The doctor said that in just one week, he has admitted 16 such junior high school students, because of “vicious” sports and cause physical harm.
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