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近年来,随着科学技术的迅猛发展,汽车工业也得到了不断的进步。电子控制系统被广泛的应用于汽车工业,其在使汽车性能得到提高的同时,也导致了汽车故障诊断的复杂性,过去传统的汽车故障诊断方法已经不适应时代发展的要求。因此,对电喷发动机故障诊断专家系统的研究工作,迫在眉睫。把人类专家处理领域问题的过程模拟为技术程序叫做专家系统。通过此项专家系统,对出现的故障做出诊断并解决,是人工智能最主要的一个分支。根据专业领域中专家提供的经验、知识,以及明确规定的一些规则,进行的解决复杂问题的过程就是故障诊断专家系统的推理和诊断过程。以下是笔者针对目前国内电喷发动机维修过程中存在的问题,与专家系统的特点相结合,对电喷发动机故障诊断系统进行研究和探讨,使电喷发动机故障专家系统的总体结构及其实现的关键技术也进行了系统的分析,使维修人员利用此系统,迅速找出故障所在,并以最快速度找到最恰当的维修方法。 In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the automobile industry has also been continuously improved. Electronic control system is widely used in automobile industry, which not only improves the performance of automobile, but also leads to the complexity of vehicle fault diagnosis. In the past, traditional vehicle fault diagnosis methods are not suitable for the development of the times. Therefore, the research of EFI engine fault diagnosis expert system is imminent. The process of human experts dealing with domain problems is modeled as a technical process called an expert system. With this expert system, diagnosing and resolving emerging faults is one of the most important branches of artificial intelligence. According to the experience provided by experts in the field of expertise, knowledge, and clearly defined rules, the process of solving complex problems is fault diagnosis expert system of reasoning and diagnosis process. The following is the author for the current domestic EFI engine repair process problems, combined with the characteristics of the expert system, the EFI engine fault diagnosis system research and discussion, the EFI engine fault expert system and its realization of the overall structure The key technologies are also systematically analyzed, enabling service personnel to utilize this system to quickly identify where the problem lies and to find the most appropriate maintenance method as quickly as possible.
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