脚气,俗称“香港脚”,医称“足癣”,是最常见、最广泛的由真菌感染引起的皮肤病。在炎热潮湿、卫生条件差的地区,该病发病率可达90%以上。夏季多为足部起疤、糜烂渗液、瘙痒难忍,且易扩散至手、腹股沟等身体其他部位而引起感染扩散;冬季可稍减轻,但部分病人表现为足底干裂、出血、疼痛,影响正常活动。 摆脱脚气需分两步走:首先需治愈脚气,再者就是防止复发。 脚气形态多样,有水疤、糜
Athlete’s foot, commonly known as “Hong Kong foot”, the doctor said “athlete’s foot” is the most common and the most widespread dermatosis caused by fungal infections. In hot and humid, poor sanitation areas, the incidence of the disease up to 90%. Mostly in summer, the scar from the foot, erosion exudate, itching unbearable, and easily spread to other parts of the hand, groin and other parts of the body caused by the spread of infection; winter may be slightly reduced, but some patients showed dry foot plantar bleeding, pain, Affect normal activities. To get rid of athlete’s foot in two steps to go: first of all need to cure beriberi, but also to prevent recurrence. Beriberi diverse forms, scars of water, Mi