尼采曾说,上帝独独只把天使的语言留给了法国人。如果说法语是天使的语言,那么DS5便是被翻译的圣音它柔情似水,爱语呢哝;它浪漫情愫,慵懒奢华;优雅地扯着时光的衣裙,点上丝丝意蕴。走着,停着,似梦似幻中都会让周围的人舞乱上脚脚步身影。艺术家郭鸿蔚被它每—条车身的线条所吸引,它们充满了丝般的顺滑,像注入牛奶的巧克力;艺人王滢瑶爱上了它第一个内饰的布局,它们像香谢丽舍大道上最会穿搭的优雅魅惑的明星;设计师连杰更欣赏它每个车窗的分割与布局.它们充满了新意.像是法同街边的橱窗都充满设计与创意拥有着浓重的浪漫主义情怀的DS5,把法国人深厚的艺术气息和骨子里的浪漫情调勾勒得淋漓尽致如果你没有办法亲自去一趟巴黎,那不如跟着我们走进2012款DS5 1.6T手自一体尊享版,做一次时空穿梭的法国之旅。
Nietzsche once said that God alone left the language of the angels to the French. If French is the language of angels, then the DS5 is the transliteration of the Holy Voice. It is tender and sweet, it is romantic; it is romantic, lazy and luxurious; Walking, parked, like a dream will make people around the dance chaos foot figure. The artist Guo Hongwei is drawn to the lines of every car body. They are silky and smooth, like milk filled with chocolate. The artist Wang Yingyao falls in love with the layout of its first interior. Like the Champs-Elysees The most elegant fashion charm to wear the star; designer Jetge more appreciate its segmentation and layout of each window. They are full of new ideas. Like the street with the streets are full of design and creativity has a strong romanticism Feelings of the DS5, the French deep artistic atmosphere and bones romance outlines most vividly If you do not have the means to go to Paris in person, it is better to follow us into the 2012 DS5 1.6T Trident version of exclusive, to do time and space Shuttle trip to France.