Internet是一个新兴的巨大的资源库,数以亿计的人们通过它来共享信息。但Internet作为一个巨大的信息资源,信息量大得难以估算,怎样才能让印刷出版人上尽量快捷方便地找出自己所需信息呢?我们制作了一个“印刷出版信息Internet速查手册”, 在这个手册中我们按印前系统、印刷工艺、印后加工及相关网址4大类来组织相关内容,每一类又按需要分成若干小类,如相关网址下分成学会组织、院校、杂志等几小类。
The Internet is a huge new repository of resources through which billions of people share information. However, as a huge information resource, the amount of information is too large to estimate. How can we help print publishers find out the information they need quickly and easily? We have produced an “Internet Quick Search Manual for Printing and Publishing Information” This manual we press pre-press system, printing process, finishing and related Web site 4 categories to organize the relevant content, each category is divided into several sub-categories, such as the relevant website into the learning organization, institutions, magazines, etc. A few small class.