内燃机能否迅速、方便、可靠地连续起动,是评价一台内燃机性能好坏的重要指标之一。内燃机起动不可靠,不仅给使用者带来许多困难,而且对经济性和耐久性也有一定影响,有时甚至因延误时机而造成重大损失(如军用车辆、消防动力等)。 1.内燃机的起动与起动装置内燃机由静止状态转入工作状态,必须借助于外力旋转曲轴,直至曲轴达到内燃机气缸内的可燃混合气能着火所需的转速时,内燃机才能起动并转入正常工作。
Whether the internal combustion engine can start quickly, conveniently and reliably is one of the important indexes to evaluate the performance of an internal combustion engine. The unreliable starting of an internal combustion engine not only poses a lot of difficulties for the user, but also has an impact on economy and durability, sometimes resulting in significant losses (such as military vehicles, fire engines, etc.) due to the delay in timing. 1. Internal combustion engine starting and starting device Internal combustion engine from stationary state into the working state, the crankshaft must be rotated by external force until the crankshaft reaches the combustible mixture in the cylinder engine can fire the required speed, the internal combustion engine can start and turn to normal work .