夏钢1982年毕业于北京电影学院导演系,至今已有十载。他与那些早已名声大振的第五代导演虽是同窗,但却不露圭角。以至今天,许多观众虽然喜欢他导演的影片《遭遇激情》,着迷于《一半是火焰,一半是海水》,却不晓得他同样出自那78级电影学院导演系,甚至不知其人。 夏钢的作品在风格和题材上与第五代导演们迥然不同。前者的作品大多反映现实生活,影片充满温馨,充满情感。而后者的作品大多写历史,而且写得阴沉。这也许是人们没能把他与第五代导演联系起来的原因吧?
Xia Gang graduated from the Director Department of Beijing Film Academy in 1982, and has been carrying it for 10 years. He and his already famous fifth-generation directors are classmates, but barely cover the corner. Even today, many viewers like his film “Encounter Passion,” and are fascinated by “half a flame and half a sea of water.” However, he does not know that he is from the directorial department of the 78th Academy of Motion Picture Film Studio even unknown. Xia Gang’s work is very different from the fifth generation of directors in style and theme. The former works mostly reflect the real life, the film is full of warmth, full of emotion. The latter’s works mostly write history, but also gloomy. This may be why people did not connect him with the fifth generation of directors, right?