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俄罗斯著名作家契诃夫说:“教育一旦触及学生的情绪和意志领域,触及学生的精神需要,这种教学法就能发挥高效作用。”中外多项相关研究已雄辩地证明了契诃夫这一论断。由于受年龄、心智、阅历等的限制,高中生正处在情绪波动较大、行为易受情绪支配的年龄段,在此阶段,情绪是影响其学习成绩、学习动机的主要因素之一。研究证实,积极、良好的情绪感受对高中生的学习可以产生多种直接、间接的正面影响,使其目标明确、态度端正、行动积极;消极、恶劣的情绪则容易导致他们丧失学习热情,干扰其注意力、记忆力以及理解、思维的能力,导致学习成绩下降。具体到 Chekhov, a famous Russian writer, said: “Once the education touches the emotional and will fields of students and reaches the spiritual needs of students, this pedagogy can play an effective role.” "A number of related studies in China and abroad have eloquently proved that Chesh Husband this conclusion. Due to age, mind, experience and other limitations, high school students are in the mood swings, behavioral susceptibility to emotional age, at this stage, emotion is one of the main factors affecting their academic performance, learning motivation. The study confirms that positive and good emotional feelings can have many direct and indirect positive effects on the learning of senior high school students, so that their goals are clear, their attitudes are positive and their actions are positive. Negative and adverse emotions can easily lead them to lose their enthusiasm for learning and interference His attention, memory, and ability to understand and think lead to a drop in academic performance. Specific to
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This paper focuses on resolving the identification problem of a neuro-fuzzy model(NFM) applied in batch processes. A hybrid learning algorithm is introduced to
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球面效应和旋转效应是大气运动的基本特征.Rossby在1993年发表的论文“Relation between variations in the intensity of thezonalcirculation of the atmosphere and the d