食品中使用合成食用色素可以弥补因光线、空气、加热等原因引起的脱色 ,以提高食品的感观和对消费者的吸引力。然而合成食品色素常以苯、甲苯、萘等化工原料经过磺化、硝化、卤化、偶氮化等一系列有机反应而制得 ,因中间体和有害物质的存在 ,合成食用色素具有一定的毒性。如偶?
The use of synthetic food coloring in foods can make up for decolorization caused by light, air, heating and the like to improve food perception and appeal to consumers. However, synthetic food dyes often benzene, toluene, naphthalene and other chemical raw materials through sulfonation, nitration, halogenation, azo and a series of organic reactions obtained due to the presence of intermediates and harmful substances, synthetic food coloring has some toxicity . Like?