Ordinary electrolytic analysis is applied to a certain voltage between the anode and cathode, so that electrolysis, without notice of its current density changes. If the electrolysis process often increase the voltage, the current density to maintain a certain value, then this method is called constant current electrolysis. The galvanostatic method is suitable for use with only one metal that can be deposited in a solution. It is also suitable for separating metals below hydrogen and hydrogen in an electrokinetic order list, but can not be separated for metals in close proximity to the electrokinetic order table. Such as copper and tin in acidic solution, the current deposition, the latter also began to sediment. This shortcoming, such as the use of control potential electrolysis can be overcome. Although the control potential electrolysis method is more complex, but the potential control can be automated, so the application is very convenient, the development in recent years, has been applied to routine analysis.