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中国科技大学研究生院副教授杨佳,一位才华横溢、年轻美丽的青年教师在29岁的青春年华时不幸双目失明。但她不为命运所动,自强不息。仍然继续工作在教书育人的岗位上。不能看书,她听书,不能书写,她打字.硬是从学习盲文开始。继以前著述《研究生英语写作》的基础上。又完成了《研究生英语阅读》的撰写工作。她不仅坚守着三尺讲台。还多次走出国门。在世界舞台发表演说,参与国际妇女论坛、世界残联论题的研讨。课堂内学生们全然不知他们的老师竟是一位盲人,国际航班上空姐们也为她只身独闯那么多国家而惊讶不已。 Yang Jia, an associate professor at China University of Science and Technology, an talented young and beautiful young teacher, is unluckily blind at the age of 29. But she does not move for destiny, self-improvement. Still continue to work in teaching and educating positions. Can not read, she listens to books, can not write, she typing, just from the beginning of learning Braille. Following the previous book “Graduate English Writing” on the basis. Completed the “graduate English reading” writing. She not only sticks to the three foot podium. Also many times abroad. Speaking on the world stage, participating in the discussions of the International Women’s Forum and the World Federation of Disabled Persons. Students in class did not even know that their teacher was actually a blind person. The flight attendants on international flights were also amazed at the fact that she was alone in so many countries.
二00一年八月中国沿海港口客货吞吐量统计@本刊编辑部 August 2009 China’s coastal port passenger throughput statistics @ magazine editorial department
结合工程实际,论述了C60高强混凝土从选料、配制到施工整个全过程,分析了施工中的影响因素及产生原因,制定了控制措施并达到预期效果,为现场高强混凝土施工提供了经验。 Acc