在第65届美国心脏病学学会年会(ACC 2016)上,Laurie Margolies博士及其同事展示了近期发表在JACC:Cardiovascular Imaging杂志的研究,提示常规的乳房X线摄影术有利于早期发现具有患心脏病风险的女性,以便进一步早期干预。Laurie Margolies博士及其同事评估了292名采用乳房X线摄影术和CT检测乳房动脉钙化(BAC)和冠脉钙化
At the ACC 65th Annual Meeting of American College of Cardiology (ACC 2016), Dr. Laurie Margolies and colleagues presented a recent study published in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, suggesting that conventional mammography is good for early detection of patients with Women at risk of heart disease for further early intervention. Dr. Laurie Margolies and colleagues evaluated 292 patients undergoing mammography and CT for the detection of breast arterial calcification (BAC) and coronary calcification