跳出墙 2009-10赛季各项技术统计进步球员榜

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能加入NBA这个惨烈嗜血的江湖,每个球员都是身怀绝技,谁从骨子里都不想让自己归于落寞、平淡球员中的一类。但是,并不是所有球员都能在一开始就展现出其应有的实力——年龄的限制抑或环境的羁绊往往会让他们推迟爆发自身小宇宙的时间。于是每个赛季,我们都会看到诸多球员在数据上相比之前一年取得大幅度进步,继而得到闪光灯的亲睐,迎来个人职业生涯的升华。新赛季常规赛已近三分之一,哪些球员相比上赛季在数据上取得长足进步?用前后两个赛季数据上的增长给出答案,也许是最直观,并且最能说明问题的方式。注:本赛季球员数据截止时间为2009年12月24日;参赛场次、上场时间或出手较少(关于命中率排名)的球员,未被列入统计行列。 Can join the tragedy of bloodthirsty NBA arena, each player is skilled, who do not want to own from the bones attributed to the lonely, plain player in a class. However, not all players are capable of demonstrating their right from the start - age restrictions or environmental fetters tend to delay them from breaking out of their own little universe. So every season, we will see many players in the data compared to the previous year made substantial progress, and then get the flash of pro-gaze, ushered in the sublimation of personal career. Nearly one-third of the regular season in the new season, which players compared to last season in the data made significant progress? Using the data growth in the previous two seasons to give the answer may be the most intuitive and the way to explain the problem. Note: The player deadline for this season is December 24, 2009; players who have played less, played less time (or ranked on the field) have not been included in the stats.
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