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幼儿时期识字阅读习惯的养成是提高孩子个人学习能力的一个重要手段,它对一个人终身学习能力也会产生重要的影响。因此。在学前期为幼儿尽早形成早期阅读能力,为他们进入学校后的书面语言学习及终身学习打下了良好的基础。一、幼儿园早期阅读的重要性幼儿园早期阅读是学前儿童开始接触书面语言的一个重要方式。以前,人们非常重视学前阶段儿童口头语言的发展,近年来,国际学前教育界普遍关注这一领域的研究,出现了一大 The development of literacy reading habits in early childhood is an important means to improve children’s personal learning ability, which also has an important impact on a person’s lifelong learning ability. therefore. Early childhood education in early childhood for the early formation of early reading ability for them to enter the school written language learning and lifelong learning has laid a good foundation. First, the importance of kindergarten early reading Kindergarten early reading is an important way for preschool children to come into contact with written language. In the past, people attached great importance to the development of children’s oral languages ​​in the preschool stage. In recent years, the international pre-school education community has generally paid attention to the research in this field,
一个时代的荣辱观,是一个时代主导的世界观、人生观、价值观的具体反映。胡锦涛总书记关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要论述,具有很强的思想性、指导性和现实针对性,涵盖了爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义思想的丰富内容,是中国传统美德和时代精神的完美结合,是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神的鲜明表达,为公民道德建设树起了新的标杆。  国有企业作为一种经济组织,承担着重要的经济责任,要参与市场竞