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经早稻、中稻、晚稻三季24 h 稻田甲烷监测结果表明,种植杂交稻没有明显增进稻田甲烷排放的作用。在三季种植中,甲烷释放总量除连晚杂交稻田比常规稻高外,早稻、单季稻都是杂交稻田低于常规稻。稻田甲烷每周日平均释放量在水稻生长前期( 移栽后5 ~7 周) 杂交稻高于常规稻,孕穗至收获则杂交稻低于常规稻。温度对甲烷释放影响十分明显,在不同种植季,稻田甲烷释放模式不同。在三个水稻种植季中,除个别值外杂交稻田的土壤水溶甲烷含量基本都低于常规稻田。经测定,杂交稻田的土壤产甲烷细菌数量及土壤产甲烷潜力明显高于常规稻田,其中产甲烷细菌数可相差数倍乃至2 个数量级。 The methane monitoring results of 24 h rice fields in early, middle and late rice showed that hybrid rice did not significantly increase the methane emission in paddy fields. In the three-season planting, the total amount of methane released was lower than that of conventional rice in hybrid paddy fields except that in late hybrid rice fields were higher than conventional rice. The average daily release of methane from paddy fields was higher in hybrid rice than that in conventional rice at the early stage of rice growth (5-7 weeks after transplanting), while the hybrid rice at booting to harvest was lower than that of conventional rice. The effect of temperature on methane release is very obvious. In different planting seasons, the release patterns of methane in paddy fields are different. In three rice growing seasons, the soil water-soluble methane content in hybrid rice fields was basically lower than that in conventional paddy fields except for individual values. It was determined that the number of methanogenic bacteria and soil methane-producing potential of hybrid paddy soils were significantly higher than that of conventional paddy fields. The number of methane-producing bacteria in hybrid paddy fields could vary by several times or even two orders of magnitude.
2009年4月17日杭州,保时捷-星展银行菁英汇携手富春山居共同在富春高尔夫球会举办富春杯比赛。此次活动是自2007年以来,保时捷第三次与星展私人银行合作举 April 17, 2009 H
本文对逻辑分析器的基本概念、术语及其应用作了简要介绍。 This article gives a brief introduction to the basic concepts, terms and their applications of logic ana