At present, there are many attribute reduction algorithms for incomplete decision tables, among which the time complexity is O (| C | 3 | U | 2) in many algorithms. To effectively reduce the time complexity of the algorithm, A definition of differential matrix and a definition based on attribute reduction of differential matrix are given and it is proved that this attribute reduction is equivalent to attribute reduction based on positive region.The generated differential matrix does not need to compare Uneg objects, The discernibility matrix can be effectively simplified to further reduce the storage space of the algorithm.On the basis of this, a simplified algorithm for the attribute reduction of an incompletely defined decision table is designed using a simplified discernibility matrix, whose time complexity decreases to max {O (| (K | C || U |)} (where K = max {| TC (xi) |, xi∈U}). Finally, an example is given to illustrate the new algorithm Effectiveness.