津劳局[2003]71号为了规范职工因病或非因公伤残丧失劳动能力程度鉴定工作,根据劳动和社会保障部《关于印发<职工非因工伤残或因病丧失劳动能力程度鉴定标准(试行)>的通知》(劳社部发[2002]8号)规定,我们制定了我市《职工因病或非因公致残丧失劳动能力程度鉴定标准(试行)》。现发给你们,请在职工劳动能力鉴定工作中按照执行。本通知自2003年1月1日起执行。 二○○三年三月六日
In order to standardize the appraisal of workers’ ability to work or to lose their ability to work because of illness or disability, Tianjin Labor Office [2003] No.71, in accordance with the provisions of the "Notice on Printing and Issuing Notice (Laoshebufa [2002] No.8) stipulates that we formulated the appraisal standard (trial) for the employees’ ability to work due to illness or incapacity due to maladjustment. Now to you, please appraise the work ability of workers in accordance with the implementation. This circular shall come into force on January 1, 2003. March 6, 2003