问:我的女儿不太合群,喜欢一个人玩,一个人看书。有次班级搞了个晚会,也邀请家长参加。我发现在活动中,很多孩子都活泼开朗,大胆表演节目,争着做游戏,可我的孩子一个人躲在角落里,拿着一本书看,一点也不参与。我说了她几次都不见效,我该怎么办呢? 答:如今孩子不合群的问题已成为许多家长头痛的问题。不少家长在孩子小的时候没有注意到这一点,认为这是孩子“乖”的表现,可等孩子进了初中、高中,却不免有些着急:孩子不合群,不愿与人打交道,以后踏上社会该怎么办
Q: My daughter is not gregarious, like to play alone, read a book alone. There are times a class engaged in a party, also invited parents to participate. I found that at the event, many children were lively and cheerful, performing daringly and playing games. However, my children were hiding in the corner alone, holding a book and not participating. I said she did not work many times, what should I do? A: Nowadays, the issue of child disorganization has become a headache for many parents. Many parents did not pay attention to this when they were young and regarded it as their “good” performance. They could wait for their children to go to middle school and high school. However, they could not help but feel anxious: the children were not gregarious and would not deal with people. After that, What should society do?