CRM(客户关系管理)的思想似乎在10多年前就出现了,但是,CRM与中国邮政之间的距离,恐怕至少是以“光年”来计算的. 但是,自从中国邮政1999年提出“8531”的扭亏计划(第一年国家补贴80亿元,随后几年分别为50亿,30亿,10亿,逐年减少)以后,中国邮政这个被圈养多年的庞然大物,蓦然间被推进了一个“,”Less than one year's use ofCRM has given a little known postoffice in Beijing's CBD (CentralBusiness District) a chance tosurpass its competitors. It seemsincredible, especially for a state-owned business. The installation of dynamiccustomer database has broughtabout tremendous changes to thepost office: the front-line salespersons were more confident thanbefore, while the executives shookup the old management structurethat had been inefficient andirresponsive to the market. That is only a part of the powerof CRM. State-owned, the post officehas witnessed more radicalchanges brought up by applicationof CRM than those incurred in themultinational firms around it. Itsemployees are unskillful, traditionalthinking still lingering around, ITdeployment not as smooth asexpected. CRM is not only a kind ofsoftware that will increase profitrapidly, but it is also a powerful toolto change the post office's way ofthinking, management pattern andbusiness strategy from traditional tomodern.