一、“地区档案局的指导我们服气”科学决策。统一号令。埋头躬耕。齐头并进。扎扎实实一杆子插到底! 这是到过南阳的人们对这里档案工作的总反映,总感受,总认识,总评价。引人入胜,卓而不群。他们是怎样让人们产生共感效应的呢? 看龙先看头。南阳地区档案局是我们的第一个采访地。在这里,我们要看一看他们是如何指挥十三支乐队在演奏南阳档案乐章的。“我们安排工作,都是事先调查研究,在总结经验的基础上,再统一布署的。接受任务,人人表态,县县表态,中就中,有问题提出,一旦接受任务,我们就要抓落实。抓住不放,一抓到底。”档案局张局长的话斩钉截铁,威严中含着自信。这话语并无惊人之处,多么普通,多么简单,但又多么明白,多么耐人寻味。
First, “the district archives guide us convinced” scientific decision-making. Unified order Bow hard farming. Go hand in hand. This is a total reflection of the people who visited Nanyang archives here, the total experience, the total awareness, the total evaluation. Attractive, Zhuo not group. How do they make people feel synergistic? Nanyang District Archives is our first interview. Here we look at how they direct thirteen orchestra playing the Nanyang archives. “We arrange work, are prior investigations and studies, based on the experience summed up, and then reunified. Accepting the task, everyone stands, county position, in the middle, there are problems that, once accepted the task, we have to Grasping the implementation. Grasping, hold in the end. ”Archives Director Zhang words of determination, august with confidence. This is not astonishing, ordinary, simple, but understandable, intriguing.