
来源 :解放军预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iezhan
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为了解军队干部HBsAg携带状况及有关的危险因素。采用酶联免疫技术和病例 -对照研究的方法进行研究。结果表明 ,军队干部HBsAg的阳性率为5 .6 % ,明显低于地方同年龄组人群。单因素及多因素分析 ,肝病史、注射及针刺治疗史与HBsAg阳性相关显著 ;乙肝接触史、医院工作史有一定的影响 ;乙肝疫苗接种史是保护因素。 To understand the status of HBsAg carriers and the related risk factors. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and case-control studies were performed. The results showed that the positive rate of HBsAg in army cadres was 5.6%, which was significantly lower than that in local same age groups. Univariate and multivariate analysis showed that the history of liver disease, the history of injection and acupuncture treatment were significantly related to the positive of HBsAg; the history of exposure to hepatitis B and the working history of the hospital had a certain impact; and the history of hepatitis B vaccination was the protective factor.
飞行人员中先天性心脏病报道较少,现将我部一例飞行员室间隔缺损、主动脉辨关闭不全伴返流的先天性心脏病报告如下: 1 临床资料 患者,男性,36岁,黑鹰直升机飞行员(曾为轰炸
1 环丙沙星患者 ,男 ,42岁 ,因上呼吸道感染静脉滴注环丙沙星 0 .2g,bid,用药后 4d,在滴注过程中突然意识丧失 ,四肢抽搐 ,双眼上翻 ,牙关紧闭 ,口吐白沫。立即给予地西泮 1 0mg,静
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The operation of reservoir(s) has a certain impact on the downstream hydrologic regime,and even endangers the ecological water safety of river corridor and ecos
飞行员是一特殊群体,冠心病发病年龄提前、心律失常多见。为了早期发现心血管异常,及时检出严重心律失常,作者用动态心电图(DCG)对78例健康飞行员进行监测。1 对象和方法1.1 对象与分组 
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