乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis Dandy)属木兰科含笑属,是一种比较珍稀的树种,在我县仅有5株大树,最大的一株高29米,胸径80厘米,枝下高20米,树干通直。此树种材质优良,姿态优美,是颇好的用材和观赏树种;花白具香,可提炼香精,有一定的经济价值。但它的自然繁殖率低。我所自1983年以来进行了采种育苗试验,获得初步成功,现报道如下。一、采种乐昌含笑于3月下旬至4月中旬开花,
Michelia chapensis Dandy (Michelia chapensis Dandy) is a relatively rare genus Magnoliaceae, is a relatively rare species in our county only 5 trees, the largest one 29 meters high, diameter 80 cm, 20 meters high branches, Trunk straight. This tree species of good material, beautiful posture, is quite good timber and ornamental species; flowers with incense, refined flavor, have some economic value. But its natural rate of reproduction is low. Since 1983, I have conducted seedling raising test, obtained initial success, are reported below. First, seed collection Lechang smile in late March to mid-April flowering,