吉尔本·埃什 (GilBenAych ,194 8— )法国儿童文学作家 ,生于阿尔及利亚西部小城特莱姆森。 80年代初发表L Essuie_mainsdespieds ,90年代发表LeVoyagedeM啨m啨 ,均为自传体小说 ,很受大、小读者的欢迎 ,先后被搬上话剧舞台。这两部作品列入“这就是生活” (C est alavie)系列出版。故事简短生动 ,自始至终以自由间接引语方式叙述 ,语言朴实活泼。这里转载LeVoyagedeM啨m啨并配以参考译文 ,以便于读者既能学习与欣赏语言 ,又能提高叙述能力。文中老奶奶会话中不时地讲几个阿拉伯语词 ,个别情况无法语解释 ,特此说明
GilBenych, a French children’s literature writer, was born in Tlemcen, a small town in western Algeria. L Essuie_mainsdespieds was published in the early 1980s and LeVoyagedeM 啨 m 90 was published in the 1990s. All of them are autobiographical novels, which are very popular with large and small readers. They have been put on the stage of drama successively. These two works are listed in the “C est alavie” series. The story is short and vivid, with a free and indirect quotation from beginning to end, and the language is simple and lively. Here LeVoyagedeM 啨 m 转 and with reference translation, so that readers can not only learn and appreciate the language, but also improve the narrative ability. There are several Arabic words spoken from time to time in an old grandmother’s conversation