Development of Microbe Cementitious Material in China

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjm2190
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Microbe cementitious material as a binder has been developed due to the ever increasing awareness of environmental protection.The new cementitious material relies on microbiologically induced precipitation of calcium carbonate to bind loose particles or repair surface defects and cracks of cement-based material.This paper elaborates the research on loose sand particles cemented by microbe cement from three aspects:compressive strength,pore structure and microstructure.In addition,the research on restoration surface defects and cracks of cement-based material by microbe cement is introduced from two parameters:surface water absorption and compressive strength recover coefficient.The results show that microbe cementitious material can bind loose particles and repair surface defects or cracks of cement-based material. Microbe cementitious material as a binder has been developed due to the ever increasing awareness of environmental protection. The new cementitious material relies on microbiologically induced precipitation of calcium carbonate to bind loose particles or repair surface defects and cracks of cement-based material. This paper elaborates the research on loose sand particles cemented by microbe cement from three aspects: compressive strength, pore structure and microstructure. addition, the research on restoration surface defects and cracks of cement-based material by microbe cement is introduced from two parameters: surface water absorption and compressive strength recover coefficient. The results show that microbe cementitious material can bind loose particles and repair surface defects or cracks of cement-based material.
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