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论科技翻译的神似杨寿康一般认为科技翻译应注重形合,即保留原文的结构形式、句子顺序以及原词的词义,一位著名翻译家甚至说科技翻译是word-by-wordtranslation。根据笔者多年从事科技翻译和教学来看,许多优秀的译文往往是神似的,既能不受原文... On Science and Technology Translation Similarities Yang Shoukang generally believes that science and technology translation should focus on formalization, that is, to preserve the structure of the original text, sentence order and the original word meaning, a famous translator even said that science and technology translation is word-by-wordtranslation. According to the author for many years engaged in science and technology translation and teaching point of view, many excellent translations are often divine, both from the original ...
利用脉冲NdYAG激光器对石墨进行重复性烧蚀。在一定的激光能量下,激光光声强度随重复次数增加而衰减。表明烧蚀坑对能量和质量从样品中流出有抑制作用。 Graphite repetitive abla