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报载一位领导同志的调研手记:《诚实也是官德》,文中关于诚实做官、扎实干事的论述,发人深省。文中讲到:“有的地方把招商引资的协议视作合同,把合同等同于开工了的企业,将各种数字凑在一起;有的地方上报的固定资产投资短期内增长很快,是靠什么增长的?有的干部回答问题,听起来似乎情况很熟,但往往是答非所问,甚至随意‘忽悠’领导。”古人云“华而不实,无益于治”,“千虚不博一实”。一些人之所以对虚名乐此不疲,原因之一是虚荣心理作怪,个人主义膨胀。再一个原因,是虚名来得既快又容易,不像做实事那样辛苦,搞些虚假政绩就可以为自己的脸上贴金,还能赢得官僚主义领导的信任,为个人升迁添些砝码。图虚名还会带来极坏的影响。“楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死”,上有所好,下必甚焉。领导干部如果自己图虚名,身后就会有一批人为其鼓噪吹捧,也会自然而然地欣赏和重用一些为自己图虚名卖力的人,当然还会使下面把搞形式主义当作“取悦于上”的捷 It contains the research note of a leading comrade: “Honesty is also an official morals,” and the essay on honesty in serving the office and solid workmans is thought-provoking. The article said: “In some places the investment agreement as a contract, the contract is equivalent to the start of the enterprise, the various figures together; in some places to report the rapid growth of fixed assets investment in the short term, by What growth? Some cadres to answer questions may sound familiar, but often the answer is non-questionable, or even ’flicker’ leadership. ”The ancients cloud“ flashy, useless to rule ”,“ a thousand lies not obvious. ” The reason why some people bored on the fame, one of the reasons is vanity psychology, individualism inflated. Another reason is that it is quick and easy to get the name of an imaginary. It is not as hard as doing practical things. You can affix a gold to your own face if you engage in a false political achievement. You can also win the trust of bureaucratic leaders and add some weight to your personal promotion. Figure fame will bring very bad influence. “Chu fine waist, palace hungry to death,” on what is good, the next will be very Yan. If leading cadres make a name for themselves, there will be a group of people behind them who will tout their encouragement and naturally appreciate and re-use some of the people who work hard for their own name, and of course, will make the following formalism the “pleasing to the upper”. Czech
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