LAURA STRAβER是德国魏玛的一名产品设计师。2005年游学纽约普瑞特艺术学院的时候,24岁的LAURA STRAβER第一次接触到了陶艺并爱上了这种材质,从此之后陶瓷几乎成了她唯一的创作材料。STRAβER将瓷器这种满是掌故的传统材质转化为
LAURA STRAβER is a product designer in Weimar, Germany. When she visited Purdue Art Institute in New York City in 2005, her 24-year-old LAURA STRAβER touched pottery for the first time and fell in love with it. Since then, ceramics have almost become her sole creative material. STRAβER transforms the traditional material of porcelain, which is full of anecdotes