在你珍藏的众多宝贝中,你还能找出那些黄色的便条吗? 一件件你从遥远他乡带回来的纪念品;自从你跨进那间工学院神圣的门槛以来留存下来的,记录了你青葱岁月的大学课本;一盒盒旧磁带,封套也早在某次宿舍狂欢派对后不见踪影;还有一张张老照片,照片上的同学你也叫不上名字。在这些旧物中可有那黄色便条?会不会是藏在暗处,跟那本你买了但一直没有看的书放在一起,也可能是跟那些一无所用的礼品或者那些没写完没寄出的信放到一块儿了。
Are you able to find out the yellow notes in the many treasures you cherished? One piece of souvenirs you brought back from afar; recorded since you stepped into the sacred threshold of the college The university textbooks for the green years; a box of old tapes, and envelopes disappeared after a dormitory rave party; there is also an old photo, and the classmates in the photo can’t name you. Is there a yellow note in these old objects? Is it hidden in the dark, with books you have bought but never seen, or with gifts that are useless or those that are not finished? Letters that were not sent were put together.