在一九八五年美国大学体协女子田径锦标赛上,路易斯安那州立大学女子接力队在强手如林的接力比赛中,以43″82和3′30″39的好成绩,分别夺得4×100米和4×400米接力的第二名,该大学的教练洛伦·西格雷夫由于他在技术、运动量和心理学方面的精心安排,巧妙设计,也同样地受到人们的赞赏。 4×100米接力有三个不能进行交接棒的10米预跑区,和20米的接力区,每个人预先在各自的接力区,做好“预备”和“跑”的标志。通常,接棒队员在预跑线上,做好三点(支撑)蹲踞式起跑姿势后,回头注视传棒队员。当传棒队员跑到“预备”标志时,接棒队员做好随时起动的准备,一旦传棒队员越过“跑”的标志时,接棒队员立即起动加速,不要再回头看传棒队员。
At the 1985 UCLA Athletic Women’s Championships, the women’s relay team at Louisiana State University took the best of the 43 “82 and 3’30” × 100 meters and 4 × 400 meters relay second place, the university’s coach Loren · Seigeleifu due to his technical, physical exercise and psychology of careful arrangement, clever design, but also by people’s appreciation. 4 × 100 meters relay There are three can not be handed over the 10 meters pre-run zone, and 20 meters relay zone, each person in advance in their respective relay area, do a good job “ready” and “run” sign. Normally, the team members in the pre-run line, do a good job three-point (support) squatting start position, look back pass the players. When the preacher runs to “prepare” sign, take the lead players ready to start at any time, as long as the pass keeper crossed the “run” sign, the players immediately start to accelerate, do not look back and pass the players.