我院自1984年以来共收治3例大肠癌患者合并妊娠,均行手术治疗,现报告如下。临床资料例1,女,34岁。大便带血4月余,伴里急后重,曾误为菌痢.治疗无效。2周前行乙状结肠镜检,发现距肛门11cm 处菜花样肿块,占肠腔1/2周。活检证实为腺癌收治入院。住院检查发现患者停经2月,妊娠试验阳性,行人流术后10日剖腹探查。见直肠上段肿瘤,约3×4×3cm,浸及浆膜,肝脏未见转移
Our hospital has treated 3 cases of colorectal cancer patients with pregnancy since 1984. All of them have undergone surgical treatment. The report is as follows. Clinical data Example 1, female, 34 years old. Stool blood more than 4 months, with tenesmus, had misdiagnosed bacillary dysentery. Ineffective treatment. Two weeks before the sigmoidoscopy, it was found that the cauliflower-like mass was located 11 cm away from the anus, which accounted for 1/2 week in the intestine. Biopsy confirmed adenocarcinoma admission. The hospital examination revealed that the patient had stopped menstruating for 2 months, and the pregnancy test was positive. The pedestrian flow was examined 10 times after laparotomy. See the upper rectal tumor, about 3 × 4 × 3cm, dip and serosa, no liver metastases