基于双转子航空发动机机匣拾取振动信号特征的分析,采用基于数学形态学滤波前处理的盲源分离识别方法进行特征提取.针对机匣拾取振动信号的特征,利用开—闭和闭—开组合数学形态滤波器在保留信号基本形状的前提下,滤除掉原始信号中的噪声分量.利用Fast ICA算法恢复高、低压转子源振动信号的波形.对实测数据的分析表明,该方法能够较好地恢复高、低压转子所激振动信号的频域结构信息,有利于提高故障定位的准确性.
Based on the analysis of the characteristics of vibration signals picked up by a dual-rotor aero-engine receiver, a blind source separation and recognition method based on mathematical morphology filter pretreatment was used to extract the features.According to the characteristics of the vibration signal picked up by the receiver, the open-closed and closed- The mathematical morphological filter preserves the basic shape of the signal and filters out the noise components in the original signal.The Fast ICA algorithm is used to recover the waveform of the vibration signal of high and low voltage rotor source.The analysis of measured data shows that this method can be better To restore the high-frequency, low-voltage rotor excited vibration signal frequency domain structure information, help to improve the accuracy of fault location.