《奇袭白虎团》: “起了个大早,赶了个晚集”演出单位:山东省京剧团拍摄单位:长春电影制片厂出品时间:1972年革命现代京剧《奇袭白虎团》的故事,来自于朝鲜战场上的真实事迹。 1953年6月,中朝方面与美李军已基本达成停战协议的框架。然而李承晚伪军“王牌”部队首都师却气焰嚣张, 不断越过”三八”线向我方挑衅。7月13日,志愿军向美李军阵地发起进攻,203师负责攻歼号称“白虎团”的首都师
“The surprise White Tiger Group”: “played a big early morning, catch a late episode” Performance Unit: Shandong Province Beijing Opera Troupe Filmed: Changchun Film Studio Production time: 1972 Revolution Modern Beijing Opera “surprise attack White Tiger Group” story, From the real story of the Korean battlefield. In June 1953, China and the DPRK and the United States and Li Jun have basically reached a framework for an armistice agreement. However, Syngman Rhee’s “trump card” military capitalist was arrogant and arrogant, constantly surpassing the “March Eighth” line to provoke us. July 13, the volunteer army launched an offensive against the U.S. military position, and the 203 division is responsible for the attack and annihilation of the capital division known as the “White Tiger Regiment.”