新世纪的钟声即将敲响,人们都怀着无比激动的心情来迎接这千禧之年,充满了祥和与温馨。这对于我省公安消防部队全体官兵来说却有着极不寻常的意义,他们出色地完成了举世瞩目的中国’99昆明世界园艺博览会的消防安全保卫任务,以坚韧的毅志,无私的奉献、博大的胸襟为伟大祖国母亲的形象增色添彩,本刊以“放眼世博”专栏做了连续的报道,引起了社会各界的强烈关注和赞誉,他们用血与汗树起了一座云南消防史上的世纪丰碑。 说1999年是一个好事多、大事多、喜事多的年头,那么云南更是好戏连台。然而,云南消防官兵自年初以来,取销探亲休假,夜以继日地坚守在各自的岗位上,深知担子重了、责任大了,为人民群众保平安的决心更大了。撇
The bells of the new century are about to ring. People are greeted with this exciting new year with great excitement, full of peace and warmth. This for all the officers and men of the province’s public security fire brigade has a very unusual significance, they have done a remarkable job of attracting worldwide attention ’99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition fire safety and security tasks, with a strong Yi Zhi, selfless dedication, broad The mind of the motherland for the great mother of the United States to add color and add luster, the magazine to “look at the Expo” column made a continuous report, aroused strong concern and praise from all sectors of society, they use the blood and sweat trees in the history of a Monument to the Millennium in Yunnan . To say that 1999 was a good thing, a big event and a happy birthday. Then Yunnan is even more a joke. However, since the beginning of this year, Yunnan fire officers and officers and soldiers have abolished their relatives’ vacation and stayed in their posts day and night. Having realized that they have shouldered the heavy burden and have a heavy responsibility, Yunnan’s firefighters are even more determined to ensure peace and security for the people. Write