1 问题的提出 邓小平同志曾经指出:“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来。”这就给我们教育工作者指明了方向。为国家培养跨世纪的师资是我们高校教师肩负的重任,目前,各高等院校都在加快改革的步伐,当然,我们高校体育也不例外,但我们怎么改,改什么呢?从近几年的我系教育实习中可以看到,学生能力差,知识掌握不牢,因此,怎样改变陈就的教学方法,注重学生能力的培养是摆在我们高校体育系的教学工作中一个急待解决的问题。2 研究的对象和方法
1 PROBLEM DELIVERY Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out: “Education should be oriented toward modernization, the world and the future.” This gives us educators a clear direction. At present, all colleges and universities are accelerating the pace of reform. Of course, our college sports are no exception. But how can we change and change what? From the recent years I can see in the education internship, poor student ability, knowledge is not strong, therefore, how to change Chen on the teaching methods, focusing on the cultivation of students’ ability is placed in the teaching of physical education in our college an urgent solution problem. 2 research objects and methods