中南五省师专英语视听说教材已经进入审稿阶段。笔者想就该教材的练习设计谈一点个人的体会。 个人识为,视听说是英语专业的一门基础课程,它同时肩负听力课与口语课的任务,即培养和训练学生的英语听说能力与熟巧。由于本课程比听力、口语课更为直观、生动,情景更为真实、自然,为学生所喜闻乐见,因此更易为学生接受,是一项比单纯听力、口语教学更为有效的教学手段。可以这样设想:如果软件资料丰富,本课程可以逐步替
Zhongnan Five Province Teachers College English audio-visual materials have entered the review stage. I would like to talk about the practice of teaching materials that personal experience. Personal knowledge, audio-visual and speaking is a basic course for English majors. It also has the task of listening and oral classes, that is, cultivating and training students’ English listening and speaking ability and skill. As this course is more intuitive and vivid than listening and speaking classes, it is more natural and natural for the students to enjoy. It is therefore easier for students to accept. It is a more effective teaching method than listening and speaking. Imagine this: If the software is rich in materials, this course can be gradually replaced