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良好的开端是成功的一半。作为教师往往在课堂教学的引入上花心思找切入点,起到引人入胜,一石激起千层浪的效果。但是美好的一节课结束语的设计也很重要,一个好的结束语,对于帮助学生总结重点,理清脉络,加深记忆,巩固知识,活跃思维,发展兴趣具有重要作用。因此,教师要精心设计一个新颖有趣、耐人寻味的课堂结束语,在温馨、愉 Well begun is half done. As a teacher often in the introduction of classroom teaching to find an entry point, play a fascinating, a stone aroused the effect of Melaleuca waves. However, the design of a good lesson is also very important. A good conclusion can play an important role in helping students to summarize the key points, clarify the context, deepen their memory, consolidate their knowledge, actively think, and develop their interests. Therefore, teachers should carefully design a novel interesting, thought-provoking classroom concluding remarks, in a warm, pleasant
中国梦说到底是人民的幸福梦。在实现中国梦的过程中,我个人的梦也会一步步实现。  我与爱人于2006年同时从工作岗位退休后,旅游就成为我们夫妻日常生活的一部分。北到冰天雪地的哈尔滨,南到海南的天涯海角,东到大都市上海,西到天府之国的成都,还有新疆的天池、吐鲁番、四川的九寨沟、黄龙,内蒙古的包头和希拉穆仁大草原,乃至井冈山、延安、长江三峡、黄河壶口等国内著名景点,都留下了我们的足迹。  退休以后,可以