美国文学评论家哈罗德·布鲁姆曾经这样评价过多丽丝·莱辛:“她即便不是在风格上,也能在精神上体现出时代风范。”(Bloom 1986:7)在布鲁姆看来,莱辛更多的是凭借其精神本质而不是写作风格跻身当代代表性作家的行列。这也正是莱辛在2007年获得诺贝尔文学奖的原因之一。莱辛作品的特质之一就是她用现实主义手法所体现出的人文关怀。从20世纪50年代就开始文学创作的莱辛,写作风格和技巧多变,但大多数
As the American literary critic Harold Bloom once remarked on Doris Lessing: “She can mentally reflect the style of the times even if it is not in style.” (Bloom 1986: 7) Broome seems Lessing is more by virtue of their spiritual nature rather than writing style ranks among the contemporary representative writers. This is one of the reasons why Lessing won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2007. One of the qualities of Lessing’s work is her humane care embodied in the realist approach. Lessing, who has been writing literature since the 1950s, has varied writing styles and techniques, but most