函授编辑部老师: 您们辛苦了! 我是贵刊的忠实读者,今年21岁,患白癜风已5年有余,全身多处出现白斑,现已从腰、胸部逐渐发展至后背、颈周和面部,经多方求医未效,精神非常痛苦,特求助贵刊帮我寻找有效治疗方法。此致敬礼四川射洪县王登旭王登旭同志: 来信收悉。白癜风是一种原因不明的色素脱失病。目前多认为与遗传、自体免疫及神经系统因素等有关。临床实验观察证明,手术后及精神创伤等可诱发本病。其治疗方法很多,
Correspondence editorial department teacher: You worked hard! I am a loyal reader of your magazine. I am 21 years old. I have been suffering from vitiligo for more than 5 years. I have white spots in my body and I have gradually developed from the waist and chest to my back and neck circumference. Face, after many doctors are not effective, the spirit is very painful, especially to help your magazine to help me find an effective treatment. Sincerely, Comrade Wang Dengxu, Wang Dengxu, Shehong County, Sichuan Province: Letter received. Vitiligo is an unexplained depigmentation disease. At present, there are many thoughts related to genetic, autoimmune and nervous system factors. Clinical laboratory observations have demonstrated that post-operative and traumatic injuries can induce the disease. There are many ways to treat it.