朝鲜族画家崔宪基从小生长在农村,对苍茫的大自然有着自己特殊的感情。他的油画作品基本都是以风景为题材、,自然景观在他的笔下经过创造而升华,阐示了作者对生命、对自然、对情感的理解。应该说,崔宪基是以追求完善的人格而作画的,他的画作是他品格和美学的载體。 感知和感觉是他的艺术创造的源泉,这些倾注了全部感觉的油画、,实际上是外部世界与作者内心交流融合的體现。客观与主观之间的撞击不断产生一种新的创造欲望,孜孜以求追随着生命步履。
Cui Xianji, a Korean artist, grew up in the countryside and had her own special feelings about the vast nature. His painting works are all based on the scenery. The natural landscape is created and sublimated under his writing, illustrating the author’s understanding of life, nature and emotions. It should be said that Cui Xianji is based on the pursuit of perfect personality and painting, and his painting is his character and aesthetics of the carrier. Perception and feeling are the sources of his artistic creation. These oil paintings, with all their sensations, are in fact the embodiment of the inner world of the author and the outer world. The collision between objective and subjective constantly creating a new desire to create, pursued to follow the life steps.