〔美国〕弗拉迪米尔·纳博科夫著朱建迅、王骏译享誉世界的文学大师弗拉迪米尔·纳博科夫193 5年至193 7年间旅居德国时创作了《天赋》。这是他最后一部叙事风格的小说,标志着他文学生涯该阶段成就的顶峰。故事叙述了穷困潦倒的俄国年轻诗人费奥多尔·戈杜诺夫·切尔登采夫为在
[USA] Vladimir Nabokov with Zhu Jianxun and Wang Jun translated Vladimir Nabokov, a world-renowned literary master, who created “natural gifts” when he lived in Germany from 1957 to 1919. This is his last novel in a narrative style, marking the culmination of his achievements in this stage of his literary career. The story describes the impoverished Russian young poet Fedor Godunov Chertun Tivsev as