用极谱法测定钢中微量钼已有报道,但对钼-溴代邻苯三酚红-盐酸羟胺的极谱测定体系尚未见报道。我们发现,在微酸性介质中,Mo(Ⅵ)与溴代邻苯三酚红的络合物,有盐酸羟胺存在下产生灵敏的导数示波极谱波,其峰电位为-0.45(vs.SCE),Mo(Ⅵ)浓度在0.012~0.16μg/ml 范围内与导数峰高呈线性关系。利用丙二酸掩蔽过
Polarographic determination of trace molybdenum in steel has been reported, but there is no report on the polarographic determination of molybdenum-bromopyrogallol red-hydroxylamine hydrochloride. We found that in a slightly acidic medium, the complex of Mo (Ⅵ) with bromopyrogallol red produced a sensitive derivative oscillopolarographic wave in the presence of hydroxylamine hydrochloride with a peak potential of -0.45 (vs. SCE). The concentration of Mo (Ⅵ) showed a linear relationship with the derivative peak in the range of 0.012-0.16 μg / ml. Masked with malonic acid