患者女,30岁,1988年2月3日入院。因发热(38℃左右)持续1周,同时有纳差、恶心、乏力,以及鼻衄和齿龈出血1天,于1988年2月3日入院。1月前曾食毛蚶。既往无肝炎史。月经史:经期5~6天,周期25~26天,LMP 1月13日,量中。体检:体温36.8℃,脉率62次,呼吸17次,血压110/80mmHg。神清,巩膜黄染(+)。胸部皮肤有散在性出血点,心肺(-)。肝上界第6肋间,肋下2cm,质软,触痛(+)。脾肋下3cm,腹部无移动性浊音。实验室检查:血红蛋白9.4g/dl,红细胞310万,
Female patient, 30 years old, admitted to hospital on February 3, 1988. Due to fever (about 38 ℃) for 1 week, while anorexia, nausea, fatigue, and epistaxis and gingival bleeding for 1 day, on February 3, 1988 admission. 1 month before eating hair trowel. No past history of hepatitis. Menstrual history: menstrual 5-6 days, cycle 25 ~ 26 days, LMP January 13, volume. Physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse rate 62 times, breathing 17 times, blood pressure 110 / 80mmHg. God clear, scleral yellow dye (+). Chest skin scattered bleeding, cardiopulmonary (-). Liver on the 6th intercostal space, rib 2cm, soft, tender (+). Spleen ribs 3cm, abdominal no dullness. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 9.4g / dl, erythrocytes 3.1 million,