蝉兰(Cymbidium grandiflorum Griff.)植株及花葶长大,终年常绿,开花时间较久,是布置花园、公园、会场、餐厅、宾馆、展览厅等的优美材料,也可作为春季切花。蝉兰繁殖以往用分株,速度慢、数量少。大量需要时,多依靠采集野生资源。我省目前蝉兰园艺品种尚不多,尤其缺乏有香气的品种。人工无菌播种繁殖不仅极大地增加了繁殖数量,更重要的是为杂交育种解决基本手段。
Cymbidium grandiflorum Griff. Plants and scape grow up, evergreen, flowering time is longer, is the layout of gardens, parks, venues, restaurants, hotels, exhibition halls and other beautiful materials, but also can be used as a spring cut flowers. Cicada breeding past ramets, slow, low number. When needed in large numbers, rely more on collecting wild resources. At present, there are not many species of cicada or gardening in our province, especially the lack of fragrant varieties. Artificial sterile sowing and breeding not only greatly increased the number of breeding, more importantly, to solve the basic means of hybrid breeding.