Nonlinear dependence of anomalous resistivity on the reconnecting electric field in the Earth's

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:letianqingya
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Based upon the observational data of the fast magnetic reconnection in the nearly collisionless magnetotail and the particle in cell (PIC)simulations on the electron acceleration in the reconnecting current sheet with guide magnetic field,we self consistently solved one dimension Vlasov equation with the magnetotail parameters and realistic mass ratio to explore the relationship between the anomalous resistivity and the induced electric field.As compared with theoretic formula for the current driven ion-acoustic and Buneman anomalous resistivity,the anomalous resistivity may result from the ion acoustic instability for small reconnecting electric field and the Buneman instability for large reconnecting electric field.The discrepancy between the theoretic results and numerical simulations may be caused by the high frequency instability that results from the deviation of electron distribution from Maxwellian one.These results are consistent with the early experimental results and favorable for the fast reconnection to take place. Based upon the observational data of the fast magnetic reconnection in the nearly collisionless magnetotail and the particle in cell (PIC) simulations on the electron acceleration in the reconnecting current sheet with guide magnetic field, we selfitudes solved one dimension Vlasov equation with the magnetotail parameters and realistic mass ratio to explore the relationship between the anomalous resistivity and the induced electric field. As compared with theoretic formula for the current driven ion-acoustic and Buneman anomalous resistivity, the anomalous resistivity may result from the ion acoustic instability for small reconnecting electric field and the Buneman instability for large reconnecting electric field. discrepancy between the theoretic results and numerical simulations may be caused by the high frequency instability that results from the deviation of electron distribution from Maxwellian one. These results are consistent with the early experimental results and favorab le for the fast reconnection to take place.
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